Earns from speeches
Driving about over the countries and the cities, Barack willingly agrees to public statements and does not hesitate to express the opinion at conferences and meetings with politicians and public figures. One his speech costs an average of about $400 thousand. Obama spends money for charity. For example, in 2017 it gave two million dollars earned from performances to the aid of needy families to Chicago. Especially often he speaks on programs of health care and necessary reforms in this sphere. One of the most discussed his speeches took place in July, 2018 in the Republic of South Africa where Barack arrived to the 100th anniversary since the birth of Nelson Mandela with whom Obama got acquainted in 2005. When eight years later Mandela died, then still the U.S. President made the gravestone speech during the funeral ceremony of memory of Mandela. The performance in the Republic of South Africa became the most large-scale in Barack’s life after resignation. He urged to fight for democracy, an ethnic variety and human rights.
Is on friendly terms with Jay-Z
All know about Donald Trump and Kanye West’s mutual love, but he is not the first president who is on friendly terms with the rapper. Barack congratulated Carter on the fact that he entered the Hall of glory of authors songs (Songwriters Hall of Fame), and noticed that they have an important common feature. Neither Obama, nor Jay-Z ever would think in the childhood that they will be able to achieve such results in the career. Barack considers that they with Carter perfectly understand each other, especially in mad love to the daughters. “By the way, I think that I am the only president who ever listened to Jay-Z’s music in the Oval office“.